Become a marshal
New and Experienced Marshals are always most welcome to join us at Harewood. Join a skilled and dedicated team, and get close to the action, remember there is nobody stood in front of you when marshalling! Marshals and the BARC - an effective Partnership! This is a good way to start becoming actively involved in Motor Sport.
Interested in joining our team of marshals or for more information about marshalling contact our Chief Marshal:

Marshalling at Harewood Speed Hillclimb
Marshals new to the sport are provided with on-the-job training to a high standard, and are carefully looked after by very experienced and more senior marshals. The annual Marshal Training Day, held each year, two to three weeks before the start of the new season, ensures that new recruits receive effective and well-structured training from Motorsport UK Licensed Training Instructors, whilst existing marshals look forward to attendance at these training days in order to sharpen up their skills again under the guidance of Motorsport UK Licensed Training Instructors.
In addition to the theory sessions also included in the day's events are practical simulation of incident handling along with Fire Theory and Fire Practical sessions when you get the opportunity to try out and use firefighting equipment in a controlled and safe environment.
Marshalling as a hobby can be extremely enjoyable, as you can get close to the action and you perform an essential and worthwhile job; in fact without sufficient trained marshals there would be no motorsport at all. Marshals are unpaid volunteers who do it for the love of the sport. However there are many friendships made, and the marshalling fraternity enjoy a wonderful "Esprit de Corps."
All in all the Marshalling Team at Harewood are a great bunch of 'boys & girls' who all get on well with each other and have great fun with loads of banter at a very exciting venue with great competitors. However when the chips are down they all work very hard as a very professional team with just one aim in mind, the safety and wellbeing of all concerned. Come and join us and be part of this enthusiastic, fantastic and fun team you can be sure of a very warm welcome.
There is also the opportunity opened up to you to go to other venues and Marshal on any of the other many branches of Motorsport. Currently we require that all Marshals marshalling on the Hill Climb Course are aged 18 or over.
After the event finishes - Time for a drink!
For further info contact the Chief Marshal, or fill out and return our Marshal's Availability Form.
Hints & Tips
New and Experienced Marshals are always most welcome to join us at Harewood.
Marshalling Days at Harewood normally run to a similar pattern as below:- Sign On from around 8:15am. This is down in the Club House in the Barns mid-way up the hill. Normally we do 2 Practice Runs then depending on time we either start the first timed run or break for lunch. Although we try to get as many timed runs in as possible, we are very much at the mercy of how well the drivers behave and stay on the black stuff and off the green!!!!
The day will finish at approximately 6pm. Generally there is a Raffle at each event with various prizes such as Bottles of Wine, Beers, chocolates and other prizes, supplied by BARC Yorkshire and also donated by many of the Drivers on the day.
Training Days are held pre-season normally late February early March at Harewood. Included in the day is a Practical Fire session when you get chance to use an extinguisher in anger so to speak!!! Dates for the current season are available on the BARC Web Site or by downloading the Marshals Availability Form from the link on the web site.
When you do come can we make a few suggestions of what to wear and what to bring with you. This is all covered at Training Days but it is not a problem if you are joining us mid-season. Try to wear as many natural fibres as possible, on very rare occasions we do have to deal with fires, but it is very rare. Wear strong shoes or boots, not trainers, something, if possible that can give some support to your ankles. Gloves, pair of cheap gardening gauntlets from B&Q (other similar stores are available!!!) are fine. Needed when pushing cars as parts can be hot. NB NEVER PICK ANYTHING UP FROM THE TRACK IT CAN BE VERY HOT!!!!!!.
Wear lots of thin layers, it helps you keep warmer than a few thick layers. Waterproofs are an essential including, I would advise, leggings. Wear a Hat!!! Most heat in cold weather is lost through the head, in summer you get very bad dandruff after 8 hours in the sun!!!!!! Sun Tan Lotion, high factor. Use even if not sunny the wind does more damage. A towel 1 large to get dry on and one small to put around your neck it stops the rain going down your back. What to bring re food and drink. Food for the whole day, there are generally catering facilities on site, BUT, it is not guaranteed that we get a lunch break so be prepared.
High energy food such as chocolate is useful later in the day. Most people tend to graze through the day rather than wait for lunchtime. On site catering at Circuits, tends to be expensive, although our Caterer at Harewood does offer a very reasonably priced menu, but given a lunch break is not guaranteed I would recommend you to bring your own!!!! Hot and Cold Drinks. Hot Drinks are supplied at Signing On, water is also available but again bring plenty. Have a complete change of clothes and I mean complete!!! Leave in the car just in case. Carry your stuff in one bag and either have a waterproof bag or have a bin liner to put it in to keep it dry. Not all Circuit Posts have huts to put your stuff in. Harewood is an exception to this as all posts have huts and at most you can get your car at or near the post. Not the case on Circuits. One thing that is very important for Harewood is not to wear RED. It’s the same colour as our flags!!! Tends to confuse the drivers, not difficult!!!!
If you decide to go on to do Circuit Marshalling then that extends to Blue, Yellow and Green as well. Hence the reason we generally wear Orange. Not that we are all Tango fans!!!! Once / if you decide you want to do more then investment in a set of Fire Retardant Overalls is recommended and whilst not absolutely essential, and we don't insist on them at all, but some circuits do. Cost is around the £50 mark. All the gear can be bought through BMMC (British Motorsport Marshals Club) at discount prices. Membership of BMMC is around £20 per year. One important thing is to remember is that if in doubt ask people around you, we have all had to ask the seemingly daft questions at some time, that’s how we have learnt.
Some of the above may seem a bit strange but believe me having been doing this for well over 40 years you learn a few things over the time, both from experience and from others around you, and now as a MSA Trainer I am passing this on myself. As you will have seen from the enclosed events list we do have several 2 day meeting on these weekends we do tend to camp up at the Hill from Friday evening. The camping is free and there are Showers available. Many of the Drivers also make use of the camping facilities as well. It is a good place for friendship and fun. Assuring you of a very warm welcome.